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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / pictures / toc0890.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-08  |  85KB  |  567x627  |  8-bit (182 colors)
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OCR: AUgUSt 1991 Yolume 19 Number 8 COVER STORI 66 The best places to 68 Great funds for $1.000 11 8 more Managing $50.000 put your money now These Sy Perelope 25 wll get Wang you soing by Cior Clint Willis ind!vicual At this point, stocks wucan: and score bonds with The economy mushy and 72 Building a portfolio stoeks whether Meem you havc i owerprieed, Yet OI with by Penclope $10.000 WerK 83 The fine Lipdegsve art of taking profits $1,000 invest, you cau carn Now you car diversif, intelligently start by dumping these steady profits at rcasonable risk snecific stoeks anc mutual funds FEATURES 90 Finally. the good news about 110 Betting on regional booms 124 Save $1. 000 on a car your Social Security tyJerry Faperion byJerny Edgeron bvEric Schwrenberg becominp Economi ups and regional downs aff ...